Stakeholder Feedback - Ealing Council

Hi Rajinder,

Thanks for the update. I am glad that you made some good connections there.

Regarding the project, it sounds like you have a good outline. It would be good to maybe think who your intended audience/participants are. And also to be a bit more precise on what each element (food, culture, storytelling) entails. i.e. what will it look like? What would you do with the cultural stories of the local traders? What are the outputs of the project? A collection of books at the library? A food festivals that includes cultural activities and storytelling? Is it a one off or a series of events? Etc.

Are you the curator, artist? Will you work with other artists? Who else?


Have you been in touch with the library already. I am happy to forward and put you in touch with my library colleague.


Just a list of questions that are hopefully useful to narrow down the specifics.


Happy to chat over the phone if that’s useful.

Rajinder Kalsi