Learning Objectives/Marking Criteria - Unit 3
Unit 3: Applied Imagination
Part time: Summer Term, Summer Independent Study Period and Year 2, Autumn Term, weeks 60-90
Learning Outcomes & Marking Criteria:
14. The ability to systematically test and refine a theory/hypothesis in relation to your evaluation of current research and new models of practice (MC Research, MC Analysis);
15. The ability to apply your imagination to questions and new models of practice at the forefront of your subject discipline (MC Experimentation, MC Subject Knowledge);
16. The ability to take informed risks, challenge and move beyond predictable outcomes (MC Experimentation);
17. The ability to articulate the new knowledge you have gained and its wider applicability (MC Communication and Presentation; MC Subject Knowledge);
18. Deployment of high level skills to communicate 32 effectively and professionally with a range of audiences (MC Communication and Presentation);
19. The ability to give your question form through the creation and presentation of a series of interventions (artefacts, events, processes) and to use such interventions to elicit and test external responses to your project (MC Technical Competence);
20. The ability to take responsibility for your self-direction and show informed decision-making and originality in realising a major project (MC Personal and Professional Development);
21. The ability to evaluate, and incorporate external feedback (MC Collaborative and/or Independent Professional Working)
Assessment Evidence and Mode of Submission
Assessment of the unit is holistic.
The Unit 3 deliverables comprise the submission of:
1. A Reflective Journal (suggested length 5,000 to 10,000 words or the equivalent in other forms of content) to be submitted to Moodle Assignment
2. A 1,250-1,500 word Evaluative Report to be submitted to Moodle Assignment
3. The demonstration and presentation in symposium format of the student’s evidence from research and the conclusions based on the new knowledge gained
The symposium nature of the assessment deliverables form the basis for further student presentations to external stakeholders, and potential clients and employers at the Festival of Applied Imagination, which immediately follows assessment. The organisation of the Festival is one of the course’s most significant group learning opportunities, requiring the cohorts to collaborate to organise, manage and promote the event.